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Helping Hands

MissioN,  Purpose & Faith


Our Vision is described and lived out through six pillars: worship, outreach, pastoral care, children and youth, community and lay leadership. The idea of discipleship has different meanings and impacts for each of these areas. While these pillars appear to stand on their own, fundamentally they share many principles and practices such as prayer, Christian education, faith development and caring for the community.

Download the full vision document 

Statement of Faith


We come together as church, as a community that shares the written and lived experience of the Christian tradition. We come together as church, as individuals who find meaning in broad and diverse ways. We come together as church, honoring that diversity, supporting each persons journey, grounded in the story of the Word made flesh. We come together as church as a community who's intent is to:


Welcome Radically

We believe that welcome is a fundamental statement of home. We welcome the guest as family into a community of safety, acceptance, inclusiveness and openness. We understand that welcome changes us as much as it changes those we welcome. We see the faces of Jesus in those we meet.


Worship Totally 

In all that we do, in all that we are, we embody worship. By our actions, simple and profound, we incarnate the love of God. We find new ways to be community, to explore faith and to be God's people. But at the heart of it all we centre ourselves in the Holy Spirit.


Hope Stubbornly

We are a people of tenacious and unyielding hope. We hope for others when others no longer have hope. It is from this hope that we turn to action; seeking peace, justice and wholeness. We strive relentlessly for the New Jerusalem - for the world God intends.


Love Wastefully 

With Jesus as our model, our mentor, and our guide, we pour out love without any regard to the cost. We love without reason of benefit without payback or return. We love because this, above all else, is the greatest give we can give.


Live Intentionally

We know that our choices matter. Regardless of how small or insignificant they seem, we make them with meaning and intent - choosing to live with respect and awareness for the creation entrusted to us. We know that everyone is a child of God, blessed with gifts and purpose and dignity. We live fully into those gifts, celebrating and immersing ourselves the life God has given us. We are the face of Jesus to those we meet.



For more perspectives on the faith of the United Church of Canada and St. Mary's Road United Church, please see:



Why we are here

As a community of faith, our purpose is to create disciples that are active in the world. We do this through community and worship that engages, challenges, affirms, comforts, inspires and transforms.

Discipleship at its heart is following the teachings of Jesus. People do this in many ways. Some are loud and overt, others are quiet and intensely personal. Your discipleship is not my discipleship. How we follow is ours alone, and responds to our own gifts. But that we follow is ours together. Our community and our worship is our touchstone. It builds us up so we can go out. Because we believe that our faith calls us to action in the world. The response to faith is action.  

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