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Playing Guitar

The Journey band

The Journey Band offers music leadership in the Journey Worship every Sunday. With varied instrumentation and vocal leadership the band moves between traditional songs steeped in faith to contemporary Christian music resonating and wrestling with faith in a modern context. We switch style from rock and folk rock, to swing, country, jazz , and classical; with instrumentation from piano, guitar, bass, and drums all the way to cello, sax, banjo, and harmonica. We rely heavily on Voices United and More Voices, but pull from modern Christian composers as well as modern prophets like Cohen and Downie. Accomplished musicians in their own right, Chuck Kroeker and Jonathan Wong offer musical leadership and help the group to grow in musical talents and in faith. 


The band is large enough that we work on a 'pod' system, meaning that different groups of singers and musicians play together on different weeks, so members of the band can participate as their schedule permits. We always welcome new singers and musicians!


Here are a few samples of our music, You can see more on our YouTube Channel. You can also see some of the musical projects the band has done as well as Jon and Chuck. 





A Year in the Life of Faith

A Journey Band Project

As the pandemic swept across the world in the spring of 2020, we were challenged by the sudden loss of connection with each other and our church community. Out of trying times arose a year of making music together in new and amazing ways.

'A Year in the Life of Faith' follows the Christian calendar, starting with Advent and moving through the Nativity, Epiphany, Lent, Holy Week, Pentecost, and finally the Season of Creation. 


This CD/DVD set highlights some of the music we made for 'worship at home' during the pandemic lockdown.

The Journey

A Jonathan Wong Project

This CD contains 15 songs from the Journey Band repertoire that Jon re-arranged for the cello and accompanying instruments. 

*100% of sales will go to St. Mary's Road United Church


Jonathan Wong Projects

Jon has completed a number of musical projects, many of them as fundraisers for St. Mary's Road United Church or for Habitat for Humanity. Visit his Band Camp page to see more about his work. 

Chuck Kroeker Projects

Chuck has recorded many albums when he was part of the Three Day Band. He has also participated in many of Jon's projects and recorded some of his own work with his band Carlos and the Suspiroes.

ST. Mary's Road United Church

St. Mary's Road United Church is an Affirming Ministry of the United Church of Canada. located on Treaty 1 land in Winnipeg. We believe in a church community of safety, acceptance, inclusiveness, and openness. We celebrate the diversity that God has created, that everyone is blessed with gifts, and purpose, and dignity.



We recognize that we meet, play and worship on the original lands of Anishinaabeg, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota, and Dene peoples, and on the homeland of the Métis Nation. The water we use comes from Shoal Lake 40 First Nation.



(204) 257-0678


613 St. Mary's Road 

Winnipeg MB

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