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On May 4th, 2014, St. Mary’s Road United officially became an Affirming Ministry. This program and the work that the congregation did and continues to do is designed specifically to make sure that our ministry and programing, in all its forms, is intentionally open and welcoming of all people, regardless of their sexual orientation and gender identity.





If you are looking for a church to attend, but have been unable to find a place where you feel welcome and safe, because of your sexual orientation or gender identity, we want you to know – you are very welcome at SMRUC!


Affirming Ministry Vision Statement


At St. Mary’s Road United Church we are committed through our mission statement to welcome radically, worship totally, hope stubbornly, love wastefully, and live intentionally.


We believe in a church community of safety, acceptance, inclusiveness, and openness. Everyone is a beloved child of God. We celebrate the diversity that God has created, that everyone is blessed with gifts, and purpose, and dignity.


A faith journey is open to people of every age, sex, race, family status, cultural and economic background, mental or physical ability, gender, and sexual identity.


We are open to, and affirming of, heterosexual, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, two-spirit, questioning, and queer persons and their families, with respect to full participation in the church – membership, life passages, life and work, mission, and leadership including ministry.


We will work constantly to be a safe, inclusive, and affirming church.


We will work constantly for healing, justice, dignity, and inclusiveness for all in our community and society.

Affirming Worship​


All of our worship is intentionally inclusive - or at least we try to make it intentionally inclusive, there is always more work to do. Being inclusive is part of how we understand the fundamental message of Jesus and how we live into our  mission to welcome radically. Here are some worship services that have a focus on being affirming and welcoming. 

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